An otherwise healthy 45-year-old man is involved in a high-speed motor vehicle collision. Head CT is negative. During the ongoing evaluation, he develops a left hemiparesis. To find the cause of this change, he should undergo which of the following studies?
A. Noncontrast head CT
B. CT angiography of head and neck
C. Arterial Doppler of carotid arteries
D. Noncontrast brain MRI
通常根据2010年创伤外科协会指南,头部脑血管造影是诊断和治疗钝性脑血管损伤的标准。然而目前,CT血管造影在很大程度上取代了常规血管造影用于诊断钝性脑血管损伤。非增强头部 CT 和脑部 MRI 均不能识别颈动脉夹层,除非经过足够的时间在成像上可见卒中。考虑到最初头部 CT 正常,不太可能发生引起神经功能缺损的颅内出血。考虑到损伤机制和神经系统结果,应高度怀疑颈动脉夹层。动脉多普勒的灵敏度或特异性不足以检测损伤。