A 34-year-old woman with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection presented with a 3-day history of a blind spot in her right eye. One week before the current presentation, the HIV viral load was 57 copies per milliliter (reference value, <20) and the CD4 cell count was 81 per cubic millimeter (reference range, 500 to 1500). On eye examination, visual acuity was 20/50 in the right eye and 20/20 in the left eye. Fundoscopy of the right eye revealed fulminant retinitis with dense areas of retinal necrosis and hemorrhage. The left eye, which had been asymptomatic, had similar changes. What is the diagnosis?
A. Cytomegalovirus retinitis巨细胞病毒性视网膜炎
B. Herpes simplex retinitis单纯疱疹病毒性视网膜炎
C. HIV retinopathyHIV视网膜病变
D. Retinal vasculitis from ocular syphilis眼梅毒引起的视网膜血管炎
E. Toxoplasma retinitis弓形虫性视网膜炎