A 42-year-old man with no medical history vis- its a doctor after he develops sudden, unilateral left-arm weakness after an argument with his wife. He states that he packed up a few of his things and walked out, but when he got to the garage, he could not open the car door. Physical examination findings are normal except for 0/5 strength in his left arm and 2+ deep- tendon reflexes. Sensation is intact. CT scan of the head is negative for acute bleeding. What is the most likely cause of his sudden arm weakness?
一名没有病史的 42 岁男子在与妻子争吵后出现突然的单侧左臂无力就医。 他说他收拾了一些东西就走了出去,但是当他到达车库时,他无法打开车门。 除了左臂力量为 0/5 和深腱反射为 2+ 外,身体检查结果正常。 感觉完好无损。 头部 CT 扫描未发现急性出血。 他手臂突然无力的最可能原因是什么?
(A) Conversion disorder
(B) Factitious disorder
(C) Hypochondriasis
(D) Malingering
(E) Stroke
转换障碍模仿随意运动或感觉系统的功能障碍。 常见的表现包括假性癫痫发作、声带功能障碍、失明、隧道视力、耳聋以及各种感觉异常和麻痹。 在仔细的临床检查和实验室检查的帮助下,这些症状缺乏生理学解释。 一个临床例子是手臂“瘫痪”的人存在正常的深腱反射和正常感觉。 转换障碍患者不由自主地丧失功能,通常是对无意识冲突的反应,并以承担病态角色的形式寻求次要收益。