
倾向性评分加权,主要介绍两种加权方法:逆概率加权(inverse probability weighting, IPW)和重叠加权(overlap weighting)。倾向性评分加权的方法有很多,常见的一些加权方法比较如下:


其中ATE就是大家比较常见的IPW方法,还有一种常见的inverse probability of treatment weighting, IPTW,是这里的ATT。前者是针对所有研究对象,后者是针对病例组。

data(lindner, package = "twang")

lindner[,c(3,4,6,7,8,10)] <- lapply(lindner[,c(3,4,6,7,8,10)],factor)

## 'data.frame': 996 obs. of  11 variables:
##  $ lifepres       : num  0 11.6 11.6 11.6 11.6 11.6 11.6 11.6 11.6 11.6 ...
##  $ cardbill       : int  14301 3563 4694 7366 8247 8319 8410 8517 8763 8823 ...
##  $ abcix          : Factor w/ 2 levels "0","1": 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ...
##  $ stent          : Factor w/ 2 levels "0","1": 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
##  $ height         : int  163 168 188 175 168 178 185 173 152 180 ...
##  $ female         : Factor w/ 2 levels "0","1": 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 ...
##  $ diabetic       : Factor w/ 2 levels "0","1": 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
##  $ acutemi        : Factor w/ 2 levels "0","1": 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
##  $ ejecfrac       : int  56 56 50 50 55 50 58 30 60 60 ...
##  $ ves1proc       : Factor w/ 6 levels "0","1","2","3",..: 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ...
##  $ sixMonthSurvive: logi  FALSE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE ...




covs <- colnames(lindner)[c(1,4:10)]

tab <- CreateTableOne(vars = covs,
                      strata = "abcix",
                      data = lindner
print(tab,showAllLevels = T,smd = T)
##                       Stratified by abcix
##                        level 0              1              p      test SMD   
##   n                             298            698                           
##   lifepres (mean (SD))        11.02 (2.54)   11.42 (1.45)   0.002       0.194
##   stent (%)            0        124 (41.6)     206 (29.5)  <0.001       0.255
##                        1        174 (58.4)     492 (70.5)                    
##   height (mean (SD))         171.45 (10.59) 171.44 (10.69)  0.996      <0.001
##   female (%)           0        183 (61.4)     467 (66.9)   0.111       0.115
##                        1        115 (38.6)     231 (33.1)                    
##   diabetic (%)         0        218 (73.2)     555 (79.5)   0.034       0.150
##                        1         80 (26.8)     143 (20.5)                    
##   acutemi (%)          0        280 (94.0)     573 (82.1)  <0.001       0.372
##                        1         18 ( 6.0)     125 (17.9)                    
##   ejecfrac (mean (SD))        52.29 (10.30)  50.40 (10.42)  0.009       0.182
##   ves1proc (%)         0          1 ( 0.3)       3 ( 0.4)  <0.001       0.446
##                        1        243 (81.5)     437 (62.6)                    
##                        2         47 (15.8)     205 (29.4)                    
##                        3          6 ( 2.0)      39 ( 5.6)                    
##                        4          1 ( 0.3)      13 ( 1.9)                    
##                        5          0 ( 0.0)       1 ( 0.1)


##  cobalt (Version 4.4.0, Build Date: 2022-08-13)

# 选择只有协变量的数据框
covariates <- subset(lindner, select = c(1,4:10))

bal.tab(covariates,treat = lindner$abcix, s.d.denom = "pooled",
        m.threshold = 0.1, un = TRUE,
        v.threshold = 2
## Balance Measures
##               Type Diff.Un     M.Threshold.Un V.Ratio.Un   V.Threshold.Un
## lifepres   Contin.  0.1941 Not Balanced, >0.1     0.3239 Not Balanced, >2
## stent       Binary  0.1210 Not Balanced, >0.1          .                 
## height     Contin. -0.0003     Balanced, <0.1     1.0201     Balanced, <2
## female      Binary -0.0550     Balanced, <0.1          .                 
## diabetic    Binary -0.0636     Balanced, <0.1          .                 
## acutemi     Binary  0.1187 Not Balanced, >0.1          .                 
## ejecfrac   Contin. -0.1821 Not Balanced, >0.1     1.0238     Balanced, <2
## ves1proc_0  Binary  0.0009     Balanced, <0.1          .                 
## ves1proc_1  Binary -0.1894 Not Balanced, >0.1          .                 
## ves1proc_2  Binary  0.1360 Not Balanced, >0.1          .                 
## ves1proc_3  Binary  0.0357     Balanced, <0.1          .                 
## ves1proc_4  Binary  0.0153     Balanced, <0.1          .                 
## ves1proc_5  Binary  0.0014     Balanced, <0.1          .                 
## Balance tally for mean differences
##                    count
## Balanced, <0.1         7
## Not Balanced, >0.1     6
## Variable with the greatest mean difference
##  Variable Diff.Un     M.Threshold.Un
##  lifepres  0.1941 Not Balanced, >0.1
## Balance tally for variance ratios
##                  count
## Balanced, <2         2
## Not Balanced, >2     1
## Variable with the greatest variance ratio
##  Variable V.Ratio.Un   V.Threshold.Un
##  lifepres     0.3239 Not Balanced, >2
## Sample sizes
##     Control Treated
## All     298     698



psfit <- glm(abcix ~ stent + height + female + diabetic + acutemi + ejecfrac + ves1proc,
             data = lindner, family = binomial())
ps <- psfit$fitted.values



  • 干预组:1/ps
  • 对照组:1/(1-ps)


iptw <- ifelse(lindner$abcix == 1, 1/ps, 1/(1-ps))

lindner$iptw <- iptw


bal.tab(covariates,treat = lindner$abcix, s.d.denom = "pooled",
        weights = lindner$iptw,
        m.threshold = 0.1, un = TRUE,
        v.threshold = 2
## Balance Measures
##               Type Diff.Un V.Ratio.Un Diff.Adj        M.Threshold V.Ratio.Adj
## lifepres   Contin.  0.1941     0.3239   0.3310 Not Balanced, >0.1      0.2185
## stent       Binary  0.1210          .   0.0036     Balanced, <0.1           .
## height     Contin. -0.0003     1.0201  -0.0175     Balanced, <0.1      0.8647
## female      Binary -0.0550          .   0.0101     Balanced, <0.1           .
## diabetic    Binary -0.0636          .  -0.0175     Balanced, <0.1           .
## acutemi     Binary  0.1187          .  -0.0028     Balanced, <0.1           .
## ejecfrac   Contin. -0.1821     1.0238  -0.0119     Balanced, <0.1      0.9784
## ves1proc_0  Binary  0.0009          .   0.0009     Balanced, <0.1           .
## ves1proc_1  Binary -0.1894          .   0.0211     Balanced, <0.1           .
## ves1proc_2  Binary  0.1360          .  -0.0073     Balanced, <0.1           .
## ves1proc_3  Binary  0.0357          .  -0.0155     Balanced, <0.1           .
## ves1proc_4  Binary  0.0153          .  -0.0002     Balanced, <0.1           .
## ves1proc_5  Binary  0.0014          .   0.0010     Balanced, <0.1           .
##                 V.Threshold
## lifepres   Not Balanced, >2
## stent                      
## height         Balanced, <2
## female                     
## diabetic                   
## acutemi                    
## ejecfrac       Balanced, <2
## ves1proc_0                 
## ves1proc_1                 
## ves1proc_2                 
## ves1proc_3                 
## ves1proc_4                 
## ves1proc_5                 
## Balance tally for mean differences
##                    count
## Balanced, <0.1        12
## Not Balanced, >0.1     1
## Variable with the greatest mean difference
##  Variable Diff.Adj        M.Threshold
##  lifepres    0.331 Not Balanced, >0.1
## Balance tally for variance ratios
##                  count
## Balanced, <2         2
## Not Balanced, >2     1
## Variable with the greatest variance ratio
##  Variable V.Ratio.Adj      V.Threshold
##  lifepres      0.2185 Not Balanced, >2
## Effective sample sizes
##            Control Treated
## Unadjusted  298.    698.  
## Adjusted    202.27  671.09



## Loading required package: grid
## Loading required package: Matrix
## Loading required package: survival
## Attaching package: 'survey'
## The following object is masked from 'package:graphics':
##     dotchart

# 获取加权后的数据
df <- svydesign(ids = ~1, data = lindner, weights = ~ iptw)

# 使用tableone中的函数创建加权后的三线表
tab_IPTW=svyCreateTableOne(vars=covs, strata="abcix",data=df ,test=T) 
##                       Stratified by abcix
##                        level 0               1              p      test SMD   
##   n                          1004.38         994.47                           
##   lifepres (mean (SD))         10.74 (3.05)   11.42 (1.43)   0.024       0.288
##   stent (%)            0       333.7 (33.2)   326.8 (32.9)   0.921       0.008
##                        1       670.7 (66.8)   667.7 (67.1)                    
##   height (mean (SD))          171.60 (11.39) 171.41 (10.60)  0.849       0.017
##   female (%)           0       668.5 (66.6)   651.8 (65.5)   0.782       0.021
##                        1       335.9 (33.4)   342.7 (34.5)                    
##   diabetic (%)         0       762.7 (75.9)   772.6 (77.7)   0.610       0.042
##                        1       241.7 (24.1)   221.8 (22.3)                    
##   acutemi (%)          0       857.6 (85.4)   851.8 (85.7)   0.942       0.008
##                        1       146.8 (14.6)   142.6 (14.3)                    
##   ejecfrac (mean (SD))         51.07 (10.23)  50.95 (10.12)  0.879       0.012
##   ves1proc (%)         0         3.0 ( 0.3)     3.9 ( 0.4)   0.937       0.088
##                        1       664.1 (66.1)   678.6 (68.2)                    
##                        2       261.6 (26.0)   251.7 (25.3)                    
##                        3        61.3 ( 6.1)    45.3 ( 4.6)                    
##                        4        14.4 ( 1.4)    14.0 ( 1.4)                    
##                        5         0.0 ( 0.0)     1.0 ( 0.1)



f <- glm(sixMonthSurvive~abcix+stent+height+female+diabetic+acutemi+ejecfrac+ves1proc,
             data = lindner, family = binomial(),
         weights = iptw # 把权重加进去

## Call:
## glm(formula = sixMonthSurvive ~ abcix + stent + height + female + 
##     diabetic + acutemi + ejecfrac + ves1proc, family = binomial(), 
##     data = lindner, weights = iptw)
## Deviance Residuals: 
##     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max  
## -4.9894   0.0958   0.1640   0.3071   2.8009  
## Coefficients:
##               Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
## (Intercept)  8.598e+00  1.585e+03   0.005  0.99567    
## abcix1       1.785e+00  3.215e-01   5.551 2.84e-08 ***
## stent1      -6.401e-01  3.024e-01  -2.117  0.03426 *  
## height       3.491e-02  1.154e-02   3.025  0.00248 ** 
## female1      8.123e-03  3.143e-01   0.026  0.97938    
## diabetic1   -7.314e-01  2.813e-01  -2.599  0.00934 ** 
## acutemi1    -1.540e+00  3.011e-01  -5.116 3.11e-07 ***
## ejecfrac     5.923e-02  1.057e-02   5.604 2.10e-08 ***
## ves1proc1   -1.378e+01  1.585e+03  -0.009  0.99306    
## ves1proc2   -1.184e+01  1.585e+03  -0.007  0.99404    
## ves1proc3   -1.569e+01  1.585e+03  -0.010  0.99210    
## ves1proc4   -7.180e-02  1.787e+03   0.000  0.99997    
## ves1proc5   -1.817e+00  4.262e+03   0.000  0.99966    
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## (Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)
##     Null deviance: 732.98  on 995  degrees of freedom
## Residual deviance: 469.49  on 983  degrees of freedom
## AIC: 485.36
## Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 16



  • 干预组:1-ps
  • 对照组:ps




## 数据准备
rm(list = ls())
data(lindner, package = "twang") 

# 构建估计PS的formula
formula.ps <- abcix ~ stent + height + female + diabetic + acutemi + ejecfrac + ves1proc



PSweight <- PSweight(ps.formula = formula.ps, data = lindner, 
                     weight = "overlap", # 重叠加权
                     yname = "cardbill", # 因变量
                     family = "gaussian", 
                     ps.method = "glm", 
                     out.method = "glm"

## Closed-form inference: 
## Original group value:  0, 1 
## Contrast: 
##             0 1
## Contrast 1 -1 1
##            Estimate Std.Error     lwr    upr Pr(>|z|)
## Contrast 1  1134.91    879.51 -588.90 2858.7   0.1969


SumStat<-SumStat(ps.formula = formula.ps, data = lindner, weight = "overlap")
SumStat[["ess"]] #有效样本量
##   unweighted  overlap
## 0        298 287.4367
## 1        698 569.5826
plot(SumStat) #均衡性检验图形
summary(SumStat) #均衡性检验
## unweighted result
##           Mean 0  Mean 1   SMD
## stent      0.584   0.705 0.254
## height   171.446 171.443 0.000
## female     0.386   0.331 0.115
## diabetic   0.268   0.205 0.150
## acutemi    0.060   0.179 0.371
## ejecfrac  52.289  50.403 0.182
## ves1proc   1.205   1.463 0.427
## overlap result
##           Mean 0  Mean 1 SMD
## stent      0.633   0.633   0
## height   171.464 171.464   0
## female     0.359   0.359   0
## diabetic   0.242   0.242   0
## acutemi    0.078   0.078   0
## ejecfrac  51.830  51.830   0
## ves1proc   1.257   1.257   0

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