A 46-year-old man comes to his physician after visiting his optometrist. While being fitted for new glasses, the patient was found to have persistent constriction of his right pupil. After a thorough history and physical examination, x-ray of the chest was ordered, and results are shown in the image. In which ganglion is there evidence of decreased sympathetic synapse activity?
一名46岁的男性在看验光师后到他的医生处就诊。在为患者验配新眼镜时,发现其右侧瞳孔持续收缩。在全面的病史和体格检查后,预约胸部 x 线检查,并在图像中显示结果。哪一个神经节有交感神经突触活动减少的证据?
(A) Inferior cervical ganglion 颈下神经节
(B) Sphenopalatine ganglion 蝶腭神经节
(C) Superior cervical ganglion 颈上神经节
(D) Superior mesenteric ganglion 肠系膜上神经节
(E) T4 dorsal root ganglion T4 背根神经节
平片显示肺肿瘤位于肺上沟和肺尖。该部位的癌症也称为 Pancoast 肿瘤,经常绞窄和/或损伤上交感神经节突触的交感神经纤维。这导致 Horner 综合征:单侧上睑下垂、瞳孔缩小和无汗。