A previously healthy 14-year-old boy who lived on a farm presented with a 1-month history of episodic headaches associated with vomiting. Magnetic resonance imaging of the head was performed. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
一名住在农场的 14 岁男孩既往健康,因伴有呕吐的发作性头痛 1 个月就诊。 进行了头部磁共振成像。 以下哪项是最可能的诊断?

A. Arachnoid cysts 蛛网膜囊肿
B. Colloid cyst 胶质囊肿
C. Cystic echinococcosis 囊型包虫病
D. Neurocysticercosis 神经囊尾蚴病
E. Pineal cyst 松果体囊肿
正确答案是囊性包虫病。 头部磁共振成像显示大脑右侧颞顶区有一个多房囊肿,边缘低信号,T2 期有小突起。 开颅手术切除了囊肿,组织病理学证实了细粒棘球蚴的诊断。 开了 3 个月疗程的阿苯达唑,患者的症状得到缓解。