
1. Install JAGS
Go to the Sourceforge page.
Click on Files > JAGS > 4.x
Select your operating system and download JAGS-4.3.0, then install.
2. Install R
Download and install the most recent version of base R from CRAN.
3. Install Rstudio
Download and install the most recent version of RStudio Desktop (free version) from RStudio.
4. Install BUGSnet
In the RStudio console, type
install.packages("remotes") remotes::install_github("audrey-b/BUGSnet")
Start using BUGSnet
To start using BUGSnet, follow the vignettes available here.
BUGSnet is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Kindly review the LICENSE file. You are responsible for conforming to the terms of this license. BUGSnet is provided as-is and comes with absolutely no warranty. Commercial use is prohibited; please contact the authors for more information.
How to cite BUGSnet?
Béliveau A., Boyne D., Slater J., Brenner D. and Arora P. (2019). BUGSnet: an R package to facilitate the conduct and reporting of Bayesian network Meta-analyses. BMC Medical Research Methodology, 19(196).