A patient with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease underwent a single-lung transplant. Pneumonia has developed in the transplanted left lung, requiring mechanical ventilatory support. A double-lumen tube is inserted to ventilate each lung separately.
Which of the following is the most important strategy for setting up the two ventilators?
A. Tidal volume settings should be 6 mL/kg ideal body weight in each lung.
B. Positive end-expiratory pressure should be equal in both lungs.
C. Respiratory rate should be synchronized in the two lungs.
D. A plateau pressure of 30 cmH2O should be maintained in both lungs.
为了解决这个问题,双腔插管允许在每侧肺中设置独立的通气参数。在设置这些呼吸机时,每侧肺的通气模式和PEEP可滴定至特定的临床目标。由于任何通气策略的主要目标是预防过度膨胀和呼吸机诱导的肺损伤。将肺中的吸气末(最大)伸展压力(平台压)限制在30-35 cm H2O以下可降低该风险。差异PEEP是独立肺通气的目标之一。水肿肺需要PEEP,而肺气肿肺不需要。两个肺中的呼吸频率设置不需要同步。
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