A 37 -year-old woman i s admitted to the ICU for severe pancreatitis(胰腺炎) complicated by acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS ) requiring mechanical ventilation. She continues to have difficulty ventilating and agitation(焦虑) on increasing doses of fentanyl(芬太尼) and midazolam(咪达唑仑) (Versed) IV infusions. What is the most appropriate next step ?
A. Continue to increase midazolam (Versed) as tolerated(容忍).
B. Change sedative agent from midazolam (Versed) to propofol(丙泊酚).
C. Administer a neuromuscular blocking agent in addition to current regimen.
D. Administer a second analgesic(止痛) as difficulty in ventilating her and agitation are secondary to poorly controlled pain.
E. Provide a trial of pressure support ventilation.
部分患者无论是否服用有效剂量的抗焦虑药物,均可保持谵妄、激越,难以维持通气。如果对患者进行气管插管、机械通气和充分镇静,使用神经肌肉阻滞使患者瘫痪是一个很好的选择。在通气困难且经常激越的 ARDS 患者中,神经肌肉阻滞可能是帮助改善通气和气体交换的合理替代方案。