A 17-year-old girl presented with a 1-month history of pruritic genital lesions. Three months before presentation, she had unprotected sexual intercourse with multiple male partners. On exam, multiple smooth, grayish-white papules and plaques were noted on the vulva and upper inner thighs. The lesions had a smooth, moist appearance. What is the most likely diagnosis?
一名 17 岁的女孩因生殖器瘙痒性病变 1 个月就诊。 就诊前三个月,她与多个男性伴侣进行了无保护的性交。 检查时,在外阴和大腿内侧上部发现多个光滑的灰白色丘疹和斑块。 病变具有光滑、湿润的外观。 什么是最可能的诊断?
A. Condylomata acuminata
B. Condylomata lata
C. Extraintestinal Crohn’s disease
D. Herpes vegetans
E. Mpox
梅毒螺旋体颗粒凝集试验呈阳性,随后的检测显示快速血浆反应素滴度升高至 1:16。 二期梅毒的扁平湿疣(高度传染性皮肤病变)可能与尖锐湿疣(尖锐湿疣)相混淆,但通常具有更光滑、湿润的外观。 开始肌肉注射青霉素 G 苄星治疗。 其他性传播感染检测呈阴性。 在 1 个月的随访中,病变已消退,快速血浆反应素滴度为 1:8。