Which of the following patients is most likely to benefit from IV dexamethasone to reduce neurologic sequelae caused by meningitis?
A. 32-year-old man admitted to the neurosurgical ICU three weeks ago who develops a Pseudomonas-related meningitis from his ventriculoperitoneal shunt
B. 56-year-old woman admitted with presumed Streptococcus pneumoniae meningitis who has not received her first dose of antibiotics
C. 75-year-old woman admitted to theICU for herpes simplex encephalitis
D. 65-year-old man admitted for Streptococcus pneumoniae meningitis who has received appropriate antimicrobial therapy for three days
E. 38-year old paraplegic woman in the ICU being treated for an epidural abscess due to Staphylococcus aureus bacteremia
不利的神经系统结局不一定是抗菌药物治疗不充分的结果。脑脊液培养常在抗生素治疗开始后24~48小时无菌。在动物中的研究表明,抗生素治疗诱导的细菌溶解导致蛛网膜下腔炎症,这可能导致不利的结局。这些研究还表明,抗炎药(如地塞米松)辅助治疗可减少脑脊液炎症和神经系统后遗症,但不会降低总死亡率。地塞米松应在抗生素首次给药前或给药时给药,以达到最大获益。成人的推荐剂量为10 mg,每6小时一次,IV,持续4天。