A 57-year-old white man is brought to the emergency department by ambulance because of sudden-onset, bright red emesis. His blood pressure is 80/40 mm Hg and heart rate is 124/min. Physical examination is notable for jaundice and an enlarged abdomen that is dull to percussion and positive for a fluid wave. Which of the following vessel anastomoses is responsible for the patient’s bleeding?
一名 57 岁的白人男子因突发鲜红色呕吐物被救护车送往急诊室。 他的血压为 80/40 mm Hg,心率为 124 次/分钟。 体格检查值得注意的是黄疸和腹部增大,叩诊呈钝音,液波呈阳性。 以下哪项血管吻合导致了患者的出血?
(A) Left gastric artery and left gastric vein胃左动脉和胃左静脉
(B) Left gastric vein and azygos vein 胃左静脉和奇静脉
(C) Paraumbilical vein and inferior epigastric vein 脐旁静脉和下腹壁静脉
(D) Portal vein and inferior vena cava 门静脉和下腔静脉
(E) Splenic vein and left renal vein 脾静脉和左肾静脉
患者的表现符合食管静脉曲张破裂,门静脉高压症的一种危险并发症。 当肝脏变得极度纤维化时,就像多年接触酒精一样(注意该患者的黄疸和腹水),流经肝脏的血流阻力增加,导致门脉高压。 当门脉系统中的压力大于全身静脉压时,血液会寻找其他途径返回心脏。 这些备选路线之一是从胃左静脉进入奇静脉,导致食管静脉曲张。