A healthy 14-year-old boy presented with a 6-hour history of hoarseness and difficulty swallowing after accidentally swallowing a coin. On physical examination, the patient was breathing comfortably without stridor or drooling. Radiographs of the chest (left, posteroanterior view) and neck (right, lateral view) showed a rounded radiopaque foreign object situated vertically within the subglottis. Which of the following is NOT an indication for urgent removal for this diagnosis?
患儿,男,14岁,因意外吞下一枚硬币,出现声音嘶哑、吞咽困难6 h就诊。体格检查时,患者呼吸舒适,无喘鸣和流涎。胸部x线片(左、后前位)和颈部x线片(右、侧位)显示一个圆形x线不透异物垂直位于声门下。下列哪项不是该诊断的紧急切除指征?
A. Evidence of near-complete esophageal obstruction 近完全食管梗阻的证据
B. Ingestion of an object less than 5cm in length 摄入长度小于5厘米的物体
C. Ingestion of sharp object 进食锐器
D. Ingestion of a high-powered magnet or magnets 吞食一个或多个高功率磁铁
E. Signs of airway compromise 气道损伤的体征